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Software update: Power projects
Mar 28: Rs. 9000 crore greenfield super thermal power project stage-II: RFQ's coming up
8TOR has been granted.
8Bid evaluation is in progress for the EIA package
8RFQ for the EPC package is likely to be floated in Q4 2023
Rs. 13000 crore greenfield super thermal power project stage-II: EIA package coming up
8TOR has been granted.
8DPR  consultant has been selected.
8RFQ for the EIA consultants is likely to be floated in Q2 2023.
Rs.1500 crore 765 kV D/c transmission line project from Ahmedabad: RFQ ahead
8Application for clearance from forest deptt. PTCC, railway, defense, and civil aviation are yet to be submitted
8RFQ for the transmission line works is likely to be floated in Q3 2023.
Get in touch with us for more on these project.


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