Good times are coming to an end for Oil Marketing Companies-II: Private players nibbling away at market share
Jan 13: After initial uncertainty, private players are now firmly in the saddle. 8Private fuel retailers (RIL and Essar Oil) have ramped up the battle against OMCs by offering discounts on retail sales. 8RIL (1,400 operational outlets) is offering a flat discount of Re 1/ltr on diesel (on all payment modes), while Essar (~3,000 operational outlets) is matching the 0.75% discount offered by 8OMCs on cashless payments. 8Overall, OMCs have been OMCs suffered a 2% market share loss in diesel (mostly bulk sales) in FY16. 8While their clout is going up in the institutional sales business, in the retail arena they are up against a much larger footprint of the OMCs with their 52,000 strong retail network but slowly RIL and Essar are seem to be chipping away at market shares Click on Reports for more