Equipment & Services
Where is your future business coming from?
Equipment & Services

Engineers in our project monitoring division pick up an avalanche of information from primary sources and one of their jobs is look at the entire range of equipment and services that a new industrial project may require over a contracting period.
The projections result is a wealth of information on specific equipment and service requirements going ahead in a particular industrial sector.
The data provide an invaluable source of highly accurate and validated information for the individual supplier. Depending upon when the RFQ dates come up, reliable demand projections can be made for three to six months ahead, and further to one or two years ahead. Using sophisticated estimation tools, we provide projections going five to 10 years into the future.
A trained team picks up many bits of data from the field on every industrial facility and upcoming project on a given piece of equipment or service. The bottom-up approach is therefore much more accurate than any back of the book calculation or a top down estimation methodology.
The data can be drilled down in many different ways to provide real value to clients. Requirement for equipment and services within an individual project can be segregated in terms of specific facilities and units, geographies, operators and promoters. The information can be aggregated to the level of the sub-sector or sector to give you a sector wide perspective.
Then again, demand for equipment and services is subdivided into that which is still at the planning stage, and that which has passed the critical capital approval stage. Going further ahead, we segregate the data into requirements for projects that are under engineering and contracting stages.
Other useful tools are also available, including fully validated names and telephone numbers of key decision makers within the promoter company or an EPC or a subcontractor company.
The software will provide invaluable information to a supplier of equipment and services. It will allow you to drill down demand data thrown up by our software by geography, sub-sector, company etc.
Suppliers of equipment and services:
- They can plan better when they get a fully disaggregated picture of where requirements for their equipment and services are going to come up.
- They can target specific business opportunities, which have not reached the RFQ stage, either at the level of the promoter or contractor.
- Our contact database can be tapped to zero in on specific manager handling these investments within corporate entities.
- Save time and money in building in-house expertise to build these demand projection
- Validate in-house demand estimates
Suppliers of power, gas and industrial fuel:
- Accurate bottom-up estimation of fresh demand for energy in new capacities that are coming within an industrial sector.
- Detailed energy matrices in every industrial facility allows suppliers to save on time and research to zero in on the right opportunity.
- A fully validated contact list allows the supplier to immediately get in touch with a potential client.
Government agencies, Banks and Research Institutions:
- Accurate way of validating overall demand projections submitted by clients for specific equipment and services.
- Conduct further modelling from our disaggregated data
List of equipment and services:
We provide accurate and comprehensive projections for:
- Individual equipment and service requirements by sector, geography and company
- Timelines by when demand for such equipment and services will mature
- Projections over a period of three, six, nine, twelve, 18 or 24 months and beyond from the current date
- Segregation of requirements in terms of individual units, facilities, location, operators and promoters, contractors and sub contractors
- Names of promoters, EPC contractors and subcontractors who may place immediate orders for such equipment and services.
Demand by geographical spread
- Region
- State
- District
- Pin Code
- Maps

Manager Content
Aniruddha Sharma
Tel: +91 9810156957
Manager Support
K. Rakhee
Tel: 011-41553860
E-1, First Floor
Gora Street, ShahpurJat
New Dehi - 110049.