Best well data in India
Wells Database

The wells database compiles data on a daily basis on wells drilled across India. Drilling data is gathered through primary sources to provide an overview of nation-wide drilling activity. The data can be customized according to the requirement of the client.
Well information is collected through primary sources and we identify not just the coordinates of the well but also the name of the block and the operator as well as whether it is an exploratory, appraisal or development well and the data is further classified into onland and offshore segments.
Data on drilling depth is collected over different parameters and well discovery or test data from a well is recorded keeping in mind geological and commercial inputs.
Our database throws up an intricate web of information not just on the well but also rigs involved in the drilling of wells. Time taken for drilling a well is noted. Rig information is traced in terms of the name of rig and that of the owner and operator, rig specifications and rig movement. Financial data is thrown up too in terms of day rates and contract expiry dates.
Our database is extremely useful for operators in neighbouring blocks who require a heads-up on drilling activity and geological data thrown up by adjacent wells in order to draw conclusions on the best course of action.
The data can also be tailor-made upon specific request from clients, either to track a rig and its movements or build more information on a particular well or a set of wells within a block. Our journalists and scouts can keep a special watch, feeding data not just on the wells but also all other additional inputs and parameters. In short, you only need to seek us out, and we are ready to lead you to your solutions.
The information is useful for:
Rig operators and owners
- Keep track of competing rigs in the Indian market
- Understand which rigs are getting contracted and at what rate
- Contract expiry dates provide rig owners with business opportunities
E & P operators
- They can keep track of rig contract rates
- Rig movement and drilling efficiencies
- Access relevant data on discoveries and hydrocarbon finds
Deliverables include:
- Wells tracker with weekly and monthly updates
- Update on discoveries and reserves

Manager Content
Aniruddha Sharma
Tel: +91 9810156957
Manager Support
K. Rakhee
Tel: 011-41553860
E-1, First Floor
Gora Street, ShahpurJat
New Dehi - 110049.