Business Update -III: RQFs expected by next month.
Feb 07: The operator is also planning to come up with an Effluent Treatment Plant at the site. 8The RFQs for the BOPs and ETPs are expected to released by March 2017: --Blowout Controllers --Blowout Preventers (BOP) --Blowout Preventer Stacks 8Moreover, as per officials “All efforts will be made to confine waste within impermeable waste pits and treatment by ETP and disposal of solid waste as per guidelines and rules”. 8Apart from the construction of ETPs and for BOPs, RFQs for the following equipments will also be released. --Mud Gas Separator --Mud- Liquid solution used in preventing drill from overheating --Mud Pit --Mud Pump --Mud Pump Separator --Mud Return Line --Mud System --Water Storage Tank --Water Tank --Perforated Liner --Perforated Pipe --Waste pit --HPDE Liner