Mar 20: POL storage: TOR expected by June, 2017 8PFR has been already done. Construction of three new product storage tanks and associated facilities for storage & handling of ethanol & bio-diesel is about Rs. 17.01 crore. RFQs are expected A new 2G Bio Ethanol refinery is coming up: Consultant to be hired soon 8Capacity of 2G Bio Ethanol Refinery will be 100 KLPD. The likely feedstock for 2G Ethanol Bio-refinery would be -- Soya husk -- Wheat straw -- Corn cobs. Expansion work in DHDS unit: RFQs will be floted by April,2017 8Expansion of 0.54 MMTPA in a DHDS unit. Phase 1 The cost of the proposed project is Rs. 367.11 crore New product pipeline is coming up: RFQs will be floated by May, 2017 8EC is granted for the project. Total costing of the project is Rs. 640 crore Click on Reports for more