Jul 06: In one of the most comprehensive exercises done recently, a research agency has used extensive calculations to arrive at five yearly projections going up to 2040 for the following items: 8Crude oil prices 8Natural gas prices 8Coal prices 8Carbon prices 8Electricity generation, source-wise 8Source-wise levelized costs 8Sales of vehicles by power train 8Low weight composite cost 8Battery cost 8Fuel efficiency standards 8Steel production 8Steel scrap prices 8Cement production 8Clinker to Cement production 8Country-specific share of alternate fuels 8CCS deployment, country-wise 8Secondary fuel prices 8Aviation demand and ATF prices 8Bio fuel penetration 8Shipping transport demand and fuel prices, alternate fuel penetration, efficiency ratios 8There is also an accompanying bibliography that outlines the various publications from where all this data has been pulled out 8This data will be extremely informative for those who are interested in conducting modeling exercises Click on Reports for more