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Software updates: Fertilizer projects
Oct 09: Ammonia-Urea Brownfield Project: Award postponed 
8Cost - Rs 5000 Crore
Project Description: A Fertilizer company is awaiting environment clearance for its brownfield ammonia-urea project with a capacity 2200 MTPD of ammonia and 3850 MTPD of urea
Project Event: RFQs for LSTK contractor was floated in February 2017 and the award of the tender which was expected in August-September, 2017, has now been put off to November-December, 2017 due to further clarifications sought from the bidder.
Click here for more information
Ammonia-Urea Annual Maintenance Project  
8Cost - Rs 30 Crore
8Project Description: A Fertilizer company is planning is planning to take an annual maintenance shutdown in May or June 2018 in its Tuticorin fertilizer complex. The existing capacity of the complex is 1260 MTPD of Ammonia, 1880 MTPD of Urea. There is also an 18 MW captive power unit as well. Pre Qualification is necessary for a maintenance contractor.
Project Event: Tender for the annual maintenance contractor is likely to be released in January 2018
Click here for more information   Details


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