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Software updates: Oil and Gas Projects.
Oct 25: 8Project Name: Group Gathering Station
8Project Cost: Rs 97 crore.
8Project Description: Promoter is planning construction of a Group Gathering Station. The GGS will be used for the collection of crude and onward dispatch to CTF. No treatment except for heating will be done at GGS. The water coproduced with the crude oil shall be dispatched to CTF along with the crude.
The facility will comprise of the following equipment: Inlet Manifold, Group Separator, Test Separator, Gas Scrubber, Bath Heater, Oil Storage Tanks, Test Tanks, Oil Dispatch Pump, Flare System-Comprising Flare Head, KOD, Stack, FFG, CBD system, DG set, Steel Tank, Filter Feed Pumps, Filter System and Back Wash System, Chemical Injection System, Water Injection Pumps.The project work would be executed by the promoter. Currently, promoter is in process of preparing technical qualification criterion.
8Project Event: RFQ for the civil contractor is expected by November 2017.
RFQ for the mechanical equipment is expected by December 2017.
RFQ for the electrical equipment is expected by January 2017.
8Expenditure Approval: Q2/2015
8RFQ Date: 15 Nov/2017
8Release Date: 15 Nov/2017
8Start Date: Q1/2018
8Completion Date: Q4/2019
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