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Software Updates : Power Projects
Nov 10: 8Project Name: Hydroelectric Greenfield Project
8Project Cost: Rs 4000 crore
8Project Description: The owner is carrying out the feasibility report activities for the 460 MW (4*115 MW) Hydroelectric Power Station. Currently, tender for consultancy services for draft EIA report is out for which scrutiny is underway and survey and investigation work is going on at the site which would take nearly 30 months, including complete topographical survey, soil sampling test, water sampling and others. The owner will now come out with lot wise package including civil, hydro-mechanical and E&M packages.
8Project Event: RFQs for civil package are expected in Q1 2019.
8Expenditure Approval: Q4:2020
8RFQ Date: Q1:2019
8Release Date: Q2:2019
8Start Date: Q2:2021
8Completion Date: Q4:2025
Click here for more information
8Project Name: Hydroelectric Power Greenfield Project
8Project Cost: Rs 4000 crore
8Project Description: The owner is carrying out the contracting activities for the 560 MW (4*140 MW) Hydroelectric Power Station. The owner has already floated the contract for civil works in August 2017 and Hydro-mechanical works in November 2017 which is open for the bidders to actively participate. The owner will now come out with an Electro-mechanical package soon.
8Project Event: RFQs for an Electro-mechanical package is likely to be floated in the Mid-November 2017.
8Expenditure Approval: Sep/2014
8RFQ Date: 15/Nov/2017
8Release Date: Feb/2018
8Start Date: Jun/2018
8Completion Date: Jan/2024
Click here for more information


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