Nov 30: 8Project Name: Thermal Power Plant Replacement Project 8Project Cost: Rs 283 crore 8Project Description: The owner along with an EIA consultant is carrying out the clearance activities for scoping the environment clearance for a 660 MW super-critical thermal power plant while replacing the old units 1 and 2 of 250 MW (2*125 MW). The old units of 250 MW were already under shut down from 2014 due to low schedule and the dismantling process has been completed. The EIA report has been prepared, and clearance from MoEF is awaiting. The power purchase agreement has been signed with Maharashtra State Electricity Board. EC is expected to be elicited by Q1 2018. The owner will come out with an EPC contractor after getting EC. 8Project Event: RFQs for an EPC contractor are expected by Q3 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q1:2018 8RFQ Date: Q3:2018 8Release Date: Q4:2018 8Start Date: Q2:2019 8Completion Date: Q3:2023 Click here for more information 8Project Name: Hydro Power Station Maintenance Project (Unit - 3) 8Project Cost: Rs 17 crore 8Project Description: The owner has planned a 21-day scheduled maintenance of Unit-3 (135 MW) in the 405 MW hydro power station covering annual inspection and overhaul of equipment which includes overhauling of auxiliary parts of the turbine-generator set, bearing sets, seals, governor, oil cooling unit, stator and rotor winding of transformer, inspection of blades of runner, nozzles, valves, among others. 8Project Event: RFQ for equipment required is expected by first week of January 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2016 8RFQ Date: 4/Jan/2018 8Release Date: 20/Jan/2018 8Start Date: 1/Feb/2018 8Completion Date: 21/Feb/2018 Click here for more information