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The gas story in India-II: The power story is still fraught with uncertainities
Mar 07: The gas lobby is still looking at a revival of gas-based power generation necessitated by the avalanche of renewable energy.
8When solar power switches off at night, peaking power will be needed and gas based generation can serve this purpose, is the argument
8With 175 GW of installed capacity from RES by the year 2021-22, it is estimated that the frequency of ramping requirement will increase with maximum positive ramping requirement of  400 MW/min. 
8There is now confidence among decision makers that this kind ramp up can be done 
8While hydro power is one obvious sources for quick ramp up, gas based power stations can also do the job but that will need overcoming a lot of technical difficulties 
8The impact of start-stop operations for gas based power will put a heavy load on inspection schedules and maintenance. 
8In some of the turbines, number of starts also triggers the need for inspection. In one case, while the minor inspection is after 24,000 operating hours (2.7 years), the same is triggered after 450 starts (considering that the gas turbine is started each day for 1.5 years). Therefore, the inspection schedules are expected to be adversely affected by daily start stop operation in such cases as well. 
8This is over and above the fact that a merit order system will find the price of gas based power, fired on imported LNG, to be very expensive. 
8Take the example of the Dadri gas based power station of NTPC. The plant has had a total of 500 start-stops in its 25 years of operation. But when working in the peaking load format, these numbers will be achieved in only one and half years. 
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