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Rs 700 crore oil field redevelopment: RFQ dates set for EIA consultant, EPC contractor and rig services
Apr 18: 8Project Name: Oil Field Redevelopment
8Project Cost: Rs 700 crore
8Project Description: Promoter is going through the contractor hiring process for an oil and gas block. The project involves development drilling of 60 wells, construction of  Early Production System and laying of Infield Pipelines. Recently a TOR has been submitted by the company. Further RFQs are expected shortly.
8Project Event: RFQs for hiring an EIA consultant is expected by May instead of April end 2018.
-- RFQs for hiring an EPC Contractor and other Oilfield services is expected by June 2018.
-- RFQs for hiring rig services is expected by August 2018.
8Expenditure Approval: Q1/2018
8RFQ Date: May/2018
8Release Date: Aug/2018
8Start Date: May/2019
8Completion Date: Dec/2021
Click here for more information for key contacts and project configurations


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