Software updates: Greenfield POL terminal project ahead, EPC contractor to take out RFQs for pigging equipment
Jul 19: 8Project Name: Greenfield POL Terminal Project 8Project Cost: Rs 600 crore 8Project Description: The owner is planning to install a Greenfield Petroleum Storage Terminal. The EIA and PFR consultant have already been selected. 8Project Event: RFQ for equipment supply is expected by September instead of August 2018. 8Expenditure Approval: Q3:2017 8RFQ Date: Sep/2018 8Release Date: Nov/2018 8Start Date: Q4:2018 8Completion Date: Q4:2020 Click here for more details 8Business Opportunity for equipment suppliers- Get key contacts 8RFQ for a short term contract for the supply of equipment such as Bi-Directional pig launcher & receiver, Pig Signaller, PSV, Quick opening and end closure (QOEC), Pig handling Facilities for it's pipeline in India with a tenure of two years. The owner had hired an EPCM contractor for this project. Get key contacts here