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Fertilizer projects: Money back guarantee
Nov 24: 8Well, in the fertilizer sector, we have this Rs.1375 crore Ammonium Nitrate and Nitric Acid Greenfield Project 
 -- And the RFQ for a PMC keeps getting delayed
 -- This time it is expected in January instead of December
 -- Let's see what happens in January now but one thing is for sure, it will come out sooner or later
8We have also started highlighting small ticket fertilizer plants, like this Rs 10 crore SSP greenfield project.
Our fertilizer website is 18 years old, and coverage here is 100%. We provide a money back guarantee if you can spot one project on which we do not have the latest update. We admit, in the petroleum sector we still have some gaps, a few, to fill up.And we are working on them.
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